Financial difficulties can take a huge toll on a marriage, so the results of a new study may come as a surprise. The findings show that the number of couples filing for divorce has actually risen as the national economy recovers from the economic troubles of 2008 and...
Month: January 2014
Failure to pay child support causes ex-NFL player’s arrest
Allegedly owing more than $267,000 in unpaid overdue payments, National Football League player B.J. Askew was arrested. He is charged with felony non-support for not paying court mandated child support for his three children. He was initially ordered to pay a total of...
Divorce settlement at issue in ND high court
The North Dakota Supreme Court is considering a request from the former wife of a Fargo to overturn a settlement in the couple's dissolution of marriage case. As part of the divorce proceedings, she argued that he had both drugged and raped her, but she wound up,...
When a moneyed spouse turns into a bully during a divorce
Not all North Dakota divorces involve quick property division decisions. In fact, one partner may end up attempting to intimidate the other, or even issue financial threats, during the divorce proceeding. One spouse may become irrationally angry and make unfair...
Father fights for child adopted without his consent
After a man met a woman and they engaged in a relationship, he was soon told that he was going to be a father. While the relationship did not work out, he was committed to being the child's father, interested in a shared parenting arrangement or even taking the child...