The U.S. Census Bureau and the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) have released data showing that the “gray divorce” trend is quite real. According to their numbers, in 2015, for every 1,000 married people age 50 and up, 10 divorced. In 1990, that number was just five. For those that are 65 and older, the data shows the divorce rate tripling to six out of 1,000 married individuals.
For married people who are 40 to 49, the divorce rate per 1,000 people is 21 or about twice as high as it is for those who are 50 years old and older. In 1990, the rate was 18, showing a small increase. For younger married individuals ages 25 to 39, the divorce rate dropped in 2015 from 30 in 1990 to 24.
Experts believe there are several reasons for this decline. The younger generation isn’t getting married as young as they used to and more of those who do marry are college-educated. Those with a college education have lower rates of divorce.
For baby boomers, high divorce rates occurred when they were younger. This could affect today’s higher divorce rate. Those who are in a subsequent marriage tend to have more divorces. In fact, of adults who are 50 and older who in 2015 got divorced, nearly half had been married twice or more.
According to a Pew Research Center analyst, those who divorce later in life are not as financially secure as adults who are married or widowed. This is especially true for women.
If you are contemplating divorce at a later age in life, an attorney can work to help you get what you deserve out of your marriage. The help of an experienced divorce attorney can prove invaluable.
Source: The Miami Herald, “Baby boomers are getting divorced in record numbers,” Ana Veciana-Suarez, March 10, 2017